Jun 7, 2009

I could record my career best of full marathon!!

I could completed run at marathon today!
Yesterday, I wrote I hope completed run within 4 hours and 30 minutes.
But today, I could 3 hours 54 minutes and 23 seconds!!!!!!
I could record my career best of full marathon race! I'm very happy!
I never imagine I could get such a best recored earlier!
I'm very happy now! and I'll try to my best for next race!


  1. wow! You made a new record again! Great!
    And this time you were 8th! Congratulations!
    I wish I was as healthy as you are! Unfortunately my leg is still painful uuu!!!

  2. Tanuki chan!

    Yes, I could make a new record!!!! I never imagine I could.I try to make new record when Naha marathon in this December, but I could earlier. :)
    I'm 8th of 164 women finishers.
    I hope your leg get well soon and go to many cafe!! Take care, dear!!
